My Scribble Pad
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
We are still good friends......

I don't remember the first time I saw him, although he was always around, right from day one.... But it never occurred to me to even try to know what his name was .One thing I distinctively remember about him was his happy face, and the naughty smile that danced around the rim of his lips . It really suited his kiddish face and the unusual hair cut or was that the shape of his head... I don't know.
He had the right proportion of childishness and mature thinking, and easily slipped into each skin without any difficulty as per the demands of the circumstances. I don't think I have heard anybody bitch about him, and this really made him seem different in my eyes. Why wouldn't I be mersmerized by him ? In a place where gossiping and bitching is thing to pass the time or just to be a part of the know it all club he really has to be something special to be not bitched about. Sometimes I even envied his happy go lucky and ever so sweet nature, and had come to believe that he is man of no worries or trouble .....
At that time I didn't how wrong I was. It was not until we started working on the same project did I actually talked to him for the first time. Nothing special just some work related queries. I could notice that he liked to pull my leg and get teased by me, in good spirit ofcourse. A couple of days down the line we had become good friends, almost inseparable friends, some of our colleagues even speculated an affair between both of us. I donno if I had some feelings from him, after all its just been 2 weeks since we have started working together. I thought probably time will prove what I feel. But one thing I failed to realize was time was something which we didn't have at our disposal.
2 days later he put down his resignation for a better job in the UK. His mother is suffering from cancer and he had was the sole earning member in his family with three younger sisters who were yet to be given in marriage. Although we would have been great as a couple, he knew that he had much more important responsibilites toward his family. I respect his...............
We continue to mail each other sometime and exchange a few SMS es and occasional phone calls. We are still good friends......
Posted by Viewer ::
3:22 PM ::
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